
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let it rain!

Cibo's ripe mango shake and panacota garnished with mango
The summer heat is wearing me down. I visited a factory this morning and the whole place felt like an oven. Even with huge industrial fans all over the place, the heat was making everybody drowsy. When I came out of the building, the sun blinded me as I ran to the parking lot…sweating and panting; toasted and parched…I could only wish for the summer to be over! And driving in the middle of the day drives me crazy! I long for a jug of iced cold water. Or make it a pitcher of ripe mango shake!

I’m one of those people who hate to use an umbrella. I’d rather roast under the merciless noon-day sun than walk under an umbrella. But with the current temperature of 35 to 37 degrees Celsius, I began to use an umbrella and sun-block cream and lotion for my face and arms. I hate the sticky feel of sunscreens but it’s the most convenient protection we got from the sun’s UV rays. Thanks to a dermatologist who reminded me that I’m not getting any younger and the sun is unforgiving to the not-so-young skin.

I like my brown skin and I'm not afraid of being exposed to the sun, or getting darker during summertime. But gone were the days when I slept on the beach without a sun-block, and then suffer the pain of sunburn for weeks. I used to laugh at my friends who looked like Geishas when we go to the beach, their faces, arms and legs were covered with white sun-block creams and lotions; with towels covering their heads and faces when they’re exposed to the sun. When I read about skin cancers, I started to take precautions.

About 2 years ago, an American friend was diagnosed with a deadly, rare skin cancer. He’s still struggling with the disease up to this day. Every time I put on the sticky sunscreen on my face, I thought of my friend’s skin cancer. And with the global warming, expect a more intense heat this summer.

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!


  1. That looks like a tasty treat...both yellow too! =)

    Like you I am not a fan of umbrellas and sunblock, that's why during summer, I prefer staying at home than go out to swim or so...boring ba? I get irritated easily by the sun's heat and as they say kagatin ng araw ...

  2. Yeah, sweet and cold. Just what I'm craving right now.:D

    I love the sun...I go swimming at 12 noon when everybody's having a nap. And I didn't burn that easily when I was younger...balat kalabaw, according to my sister! hahahhaha But now, an hour under the sun and I look like a roasted pig!

  3. I really agree with you... I did a photo shoot this morning. At noon I had to stop... I was really exhausted... lost liters of sweat... was not feeling well anymore... and now I have a sunburn although I was working in the shade!
    I also don't like the suncream but with a white screen I have no other choice!

    The sun is really merciless... let's hope for some rain but I don't think it will come soon... in the meantime lets drink ice cold lemon and mango juice! :-)

  4. Dehydration and heat stroke are the dangers when you're shooting at this weather. Take precautions, Sidney. You're more vulnerable because of your fair natives are made of stronger stuff.:D


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