
Thursday, April 3, 2008

La Mesa Coke TV Ad

It was actually the music that caught my attention when I first saw this Coke ad on TV. I watch in wonder at how this ad brings forth the Filipinos’ fiesta spirit, our sense of connectedness with people around us---everything, from pain to snack to joke or a Coke, for that matter, is there to be shared. Watch the ad and notice a ‘foreigner’ passes by, and a guy invites him. That’s where the extraordinary thing begins…every one moved to the next seat to give way to a guest--- a stranger who happens to pass by. It’s a brilliant way of presenting the innate warmth and friendliness of Pinoys towards strangers. Then a friend asks---when was the last time you did such an act? Surrendering a seat to a total stranger? When was the last time you practiced random act of kindness?

These questions were running through my head as I sip my ice-cold Coke.


  1. Been a long time I've seen a pinoy commercial (lol). I seldom remember commercials...but not the songs, I wonder now who directed this one, and the fading words 'sama-sama tayo sa pagsasalo' hehe, touching!

  2. i love this commercial. the concept was very simple yet touched a soft spot in my heart. :-)

    when was the last time i gave up my seat to a stranger? i can't even remember. maybe eons ago. but i can remember giving up a cab i hailed for a young mommy with 2 kids. do you think that could count? :-)

  3. Indeed, Filipinos are VERY hospitable. this is also the main reason why I enjoy my stay here. You really feel welcome!

    Alas, coke is not healthy ! ;-)

  4. Generally, I don't pay much attention to commercials except when the music catches my fancy. There are commercials though that brought me to tears! :D Iyakin lang talaga ako.

    I have no idea who directed this ad, Gizelle. Ha'mo, re-research ko.

  5. I agree, Eric.:D Makabawi man lang tayo sa 'hospitality' after all the bad publicity Philippines has been getting lately.

  6. Of course, that counts, dyosa! Random kindness is one character of humans that is absolutely beautiful.:D

  7. I'm glad that you feel that way, Sidney. Despite the bad politics, corruption scandals, pollution, natural and man-made disasters, this country still has a lot to be proud of.:D

    I only drink coke when there's no safe water available:D


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