
Monday, March 31, 2008

My old alma mater

Kyle with his classmates

My cousin, Pitos, woke me up on Tuesday morning to visit our old alma mater and watch the grade schoolers do their playground demonstration. Though my old school is a mere 5-minute walk from my grandmother’s house, I never went into its gates again until that sunny Tuesday morning last week. I graduated from this elementary school three decades ago. My father finished his grade school here, as well as my aunts and uncles, all my paternal cousins, my sister and two brothers, and now, my nephews and nieces are students.

My grandmother, Lola Ynestoria, taught first grade in this school for more than 30 years. My grandfather’s cousin, Lola Socorro, was the principal when until I was in the 3rd grade. Another aunt, T’yay Florenda, was a beloved Math teacher until she succumbed to breast cancer in the mid 80’s. I dreamed of becoming a teacher under its ancient acacia trees. At seven, I elocuted my first declamation on its newly-built concrete stage; represented the 3rd graders and sang Tom Jones’ “I Know” in the cultural night. Acted on a play and forgot my lines; was caught dancing to "My Sharona" by our Home Economics teacher when I was supposedly cooking Arroz Caldo with my classmates. I laugh at the memories.
The school was built after World War II, I believe. In fact, they’re having a grand alumni homecoming on April 30th. I would love to attend but my next vacation is still a couple of months away. It would be interesting to see the graduates from 1947 to 2007.

As for the playground demonstration, the colorful costumes and the dancing talents of the school children were a delight. I guess the kids and their teachers are avid fans of Sexbomb and the dancers in the noon-time TV shows.

Kyle with a friend

the 6th graders---cousin Chippy's daughter was one of the dancers

a camera-shy Jaysel (jeezzz, who did your make-up, kid?)

the 4th graders


  1. Wow! what colorful costumes, as a kid I always look forward to intramurals and cultural week hehehe.

    Still, pinoys value culture a lot! Kaya lang mahal ang costumes =D

  2. i'm sure most parents of these kids [from public school] complained about the cost of the costumes. i was lucky, my maternal grandmother was a dress-maker.:D

    i'm glad pinoy kids are still being taught to love our cultural heritage. it's important that the young generation knows where they came from.

    thanks, gizelle!

  3. it's fun to watch these kids showcase what they have been working hard for in the practice. I used to enjoy watching my students both in practice and in the performance.

  4. the kids were all excited that day, photo cache. it was written all over their faces. even my young nephew, who according to his parents didn't show any interest in dancing at home, showed us that he can groove!:D

    so you were a teacher...

  5. Back to your roots! ;-)

    Very colorful !


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