
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fingers crossed

Catching myself humming “I’m leaving on a jet plane” while packing this morning is a good sign. I love travel but I hate to pack. It’s those tiny, last minute details that always slip my mind when I pack that makes me reluctant to do the task. For example, I forgot to pack my camera charger this morning…it’s my good fortune that my flight is at five this afternoon and I have time to pick up the charger at home before going to the airport.

When I go on vacation, I just pack the basic---shorts, t-shirts, underwear, toiletries, slippers/running shoes and camera. But when I travel for business like what I’m doing today, there are a million and one things that I need to pack. I usually make a list the day before I pack but still, there are small things that I tend to forget.

I’m also a bit anxious about this trip because I’ll be meeting, for the first time, a new client from the Middle East. It’s his first trip to Cebu, and his first visit to the Cebu X (Cebu International Furniture Show). I've been handling American and British clients, and working with this Middle Eastern client is a first for me. I hope he likes Cebu furniture, love his stay at Mactan Shangrila, love his visit in Cebu, and I can convince him to see the Pampanga furniture factories as well...Oh well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

See you all again on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. Happy trip! I hope you will be able to sell him tons of furniture.

  2. Have a wonderful trip & wish you all the best in your endeavors...stay well!

  3. I love that song, even the Aerosmith revival...

    I like to travel too or get out of the house and visit someplace with the kids but I don't want to pack since it gets so stressing sometimes lol- Enjoy your trip and we'd wait for monday's stories! ;-)

  4. goodluck sa business trip... ala ko pa anman vacation un lakad mo

  5. Thank you for the comments, guys.

    @ pusa: vacation na next week! yeheyyyy!

    @ gzel: yeah, packing is the bad part of traveling, and unpacking, too! hehehe

    @ flyingstars: thanks for coming back. it was a good trip...

    @ sidney: thank you! yes, i was able to sell him tons of furniture! and he's coming back in a month of buy more, i hope.:D


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