
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Good friends, good times

Friends are different flowers from the same garden.

It was a bit of a short notice but I was looking forward to dinner with Kikay, Sally and Sallie last Tuesday night. It was a sort of pre-Valentines’-cum-Despedida dinner for Sally and Sallie who are leaving for Dubai next week.

Kikay, Sally and Sallie
The evening was lovely, and with the cool February weather, we opted to have dinner al fresco at Conti’s. Oh, after a number of attempts, I was finally able to try Conti’s in Serendra…although we waited for a table for almost 30 minutes. It was jam-packed as usual.

Parmesan Fish Fillet

I had a particularly stressful day at work on Tuesday, but there is comfort in friends who meet you for dinner and allow you to vent at the same time make you laugh. These kinds of get-togethers are necessary for our mental health!

Chicken Roulade with risotto

The conversation roamed in a variety of subjects, from ghosts and haunted houses to Filipinos in Dubai, Pap smear to the current Senate hearing, corruption in government to festivals. It was all vibrant and happy, warm and relaxing, and there’s richness in the experience that cannot be explained. I count myself lucky to have good friends who enjoy food as much as I do, and love each other’s company, rain or shine.

Shrimp green salad with blue cheese dressing

The food at Conti’s, by the way, was delicious as expected! I picked on Kikay’s Chicken Roulade with risotto---it was delish! My Parmesan Fish Fillet was delectable. I am not really a cake person but I yielded to the temptation of Mango Bravo---it was divine! We were all excited with our dessert that I forgot to take a photo. :D

I went home that night with more energy and zest for life.

Good friends are those think you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.

P.S. Happy Valentines' Day to you..and you!


  1. You are lucky to have them good I envy moments like this!

    And how I envy the food! lol. Katakam...I forgot where I read an entry and saw that mango bravo photo...I just love bloghopping around when food is the topic hehe. ;-)

  2. what do you call that plant nga?

    I was tagged by a friend and I'm tagging you naman... here


  3. True, Gzel. Good friends are rare these days. The food was really good---gusto ko na nga bumalik e.:D

    I've been asking my officemates the name of the flower...they're still thinking!:D

    Thanks for the tag.


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