
Friday, February 29, 2008

For friends who went away...

Fort San Pedro, Cebu City
Years from now
I shall have forgotten
where you went to school
the number on your gatepost
your mother's maiden name
But I shall not forget
the merciless affectionate teasing
your bunny rabbit smile
when you're happy
and that your favorite color
is indigo
Years from now
I shall have forgotten
who you are
but I shall remember you.

For the past few years, there has been an exodus of my friends leaving the country in search of greener pastures. Jo, one of my best friends, left for Canada about 5 years ago. Former officemates, classmates, friends and acquaintances followed. Miles in Dallas, Arni in New York, Cecille, Maeann and Jojie in Toronto, Chari and Merlie in New Zealand, Mel in Houston, Vicky in New Jersey, Jean in Bahrain, Bobby in Manchester, Helen in Boston, Jeana in Las Vegas, Terry in Georgia, Chubby in Riyadh, Gemma in Reno, Fred in Nigeria, Alma in Dublin, Yvette in Ontario, Malou in Milan, Rina in Burbank, Jun in Seattle, Stella in Frankfurt, Josie and Chat in Hong Kong, Bong and Girlie in San Francisco, Sally and Sallie in Dubai, and recently, Jonathan left for London. While I understand their life’s journey, it saddens me that my friends believe that the realization of their dreams is not here, but out there.

with Jonathan and Kong in Fort San Pedro


  1. well, that's life luna... hoping that they will make their dreams into reality...

  2. I think they should follow their dreams... if they get better opportunities abroad...

  3. Did you write that poem? If you did - WOW.

    Thanks for sharing this introspective piece. Gives me, as a reader, a reason to stay.

  4. this is a poignant post. it reminds of me of my friends and how we have all lost touch after each marched to his/her own drums.

  5. that's my wish for them, too, lino. i pray that they'd find whatever it is they're seeking...and they'd come home someday, happy and contented.

  6. I agree, Sidney. As my grandfather used to say, go where destiny leads you.

  7. I wrote the poem a few years ago, was written for an old friend who also 'went away'. I'm glad you like it.

    Thanks for coming back.

  8. Being separated from friends make the world a lonelier place. But the hope of meeting them again makes the absence sweet. Thanks for visiting again, photo cache.

  9. That speaks well of my feelings too..=( Lovely!

    Its hard also for those who leave to actually start a new life somewhere without the friends they're used to being significant part of their lives. Buhay nga naman...

  10. I know, Gzel. Friends tell me how difficult it is to start over in a foreign place with unfamiliar faces. One of the sacrifices you guys have to make...We're lucky though, we have internet and texting.:D

  11. Yes so true...on other note: I remember how different it was when my dad was away as a seaman...(and dati nga he would send us money nakaipit sa card lol) then...we always send letters and he sends me back posters and fotos of places he'd visit...ngayon CD na pinapadala ko wala na ding sulat... sabi nga ng apo: Kay simple lang ng buhay noon....

  12. You know what, I miss receiving letters from the postman!! I was an avid letter writer for years...and most of my friends here and abroad used to write and send cards through snail mail. Ngayon, email na lang kami. And yes, kung meron man through the post office, CDs nga with a small note.:D


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