

100 Things About Me

  1. I am the eldest in a brood of 4---2 girls and 2 boys
  2. A Scorpion and a Snake [in the Chinese calendar]
  3. Both my names are heavenly bodies
  4. Fascinated by the moon and how it affects people's moods
  5. People keep asking why I am single
  6. I am the performer in the family
  7. Won my first singing contest at age 6, prize money was 20 pesos
  8. My winning piece was "Help me make it through the night"
  9. But didn't dream of becoming a professional singer
  10. Wanted to become a nurse, then a teacher
  11. Dreamed of becoming a writer, a painter, a photo-journalist
  12. Ended up as a couch potato
  13. Addicted to CSI and crime dramas
  14. Made my own comic books in high school
  15. Books are my most constant friends
  16. I love eating ice cream at midnight
  17. I don't Tweet
  18. Not a techie
  19. I'd like to learn a new language
  20. Blogging is my new addiction
  21. Loves seeing photos of places and people, read about their experiences
  22. Loves adventure travel and road trips
  23. Dreams of becoming a travel writer/photographer (dreams are free, right?)
  24. Would like to see Venezuela's isolated wilderness
  25. Experience the cradle of life in Africa
  26. Explore the Amazon
  27. Sail the islands of Palau
  28. Travel the Philippines by car and RoRo
  29.  I need to take photography classes
  30. Still mulling over a dSLR
  31. Afraid it would take over my life
  32. Loves the sea but not a good swimmer 
  33.  Would love to live by the beach someday
  34. Would like to take up scuba diving, seriously; and dive in Tubbataha
  35. I like to learn how to dance the flamenco
  36. And play the violin
  37. I love watching Steven Tyler perform on stage
  38. Would love to try sky-diving
  39. I enjoy cooking---nobody was hospitalized yet after eating what I cooked
  40. Shopping is one of my vices
  41. I am an impulsive buyer
  42. With poor haggling skills
  43. Not comfortable with on line shopping
  44. I don't trust on line banking
  45. I pay my bills the old-fashioned way
  46. Found long lost relatives through the internet
  47. Fascinated with our family history and family tree
  48. I love coffee
  49. And the aroma of baked goodies 
  50. Chucking and eating oysters are most fun
  51. Enjoys experimenting on new dishes
  52. Loves Japanese, Mexican, Thai, Italian food
  53. Still struggling with vegetables
  54. I have eaten dog meat when I was about 9
  55. Tried frog meat, snake meat, deer meat, wild boar meat, monitor lizard meat, and crocodile meat
  56. I'm not into bugs and worms, sheep testicles and pig's rectum
  57. Still trying to exercise and drink more water
  58.  I admire women who made something of themselves despite painful experiences
  59. I had four surgeries 
  60. Loves body massage, manicure/pedicure 
  61. Bold colors perk me up
  62. Wallows in tearjerker films when PMS-ing
  63. Cries at movies, TV commercials, old songs, the national anthem
  64. Fell in love with Eric Bana as Hector, the Trojan prince
  65. I have a huge crush on George Clooney
  66. Daniel Craig has the hottest body
  67. Locally, it's Derek Ramsay
  68. But Bradley Cooper Taylor Kinney (of Chicago Fire) currently tops my list of  the "sexiest men alive"
  69. Wearing perfume is sexy
  70. I am not so great with children but they seem to like me
  71. I have a bunch of nephews and nieces
  72. I have a handsome 6-year old dog named Fritz, the apple of my eye
  73. Sometimes, strange is beautiful
  74. Loves to read obituaries and visit cemeteries
  75. Enjoys anything spooky
  76. I kissed a rock to avoid an evil eye when I was 13
  77. Keeps old letters, cards and journals
  78. Talks to myself out loud when driving, and in the shower
  79. I drive barefoot
  80. Music soothes me during traffic jams
  81. I love blues and classic rock
  82. Used to write poetry and short stories
  83. Children and old people are the greatest source of wisdom
  84. Sometimes, I wish I have the steadfast faith of a child
  85. I love long, solitary walks (where I can take photos :p) 
  86. Fireworks bring out my inner child
  87. I love what I do
  88. I believe in God, the Supreme Architect
  89. I believe in karma
  90. I don't belong to any organized religion
  91. Detests religious leaders who become politicians
  92. And politicians who use religion to get votes
  93. I miss my father---his wisdom, his love, his encouragement
  94. The smell of burning leaves brings me back to childhood
  95. Loves to laugh and giggle
  96. True friends are to be cherished
  97.  To let go of all the resentments is the greatest gift I can give to myself
  98. I now choose my battles as well as my fun
  99.  I'd like to grow old without regrets
  100. I am an insomniac and it's now 5:16 am! 

All the best,
Luna Miranda

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